Blends for Acne
Effective for inflammatory acne, redness, scarring, sebum and whitening.
2 Drops of Tea Tree
2 Drops of Orange
2 Drops of Geranium
2 Drops of Frankincense
2 Drops of Lavender
2 Drops of Lemon
200 Drops of Coconut Oil
200 Drops of Sweet Almond Oil
Pure essential oils should not be used directly on the skin. Always dilute essential oils with a Carrier before applying.
Categories: Scars, Oily Skin, Dull Skin, Dry Skin.
Dilution: 2.00%
Description: Effective for inflammatory acne. redness, scarring, sebum and whitening.
Avoid in pregnancy
Avoid with damaged skin
Avoid with nut allergies
avoid with sensitive skin
Possible risk of drug interaction
Possible skin irritant
possible skin sensitizer
Do not use with children